1986 gay pride pin hand wrought tm

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The Encyclopedia is fully crossreferenced and many entries carry a bibliography. Additionally, there are important appendices covering international sodomy laws and archival institutions which will be of great value to researchers. Information is completely up-to-date, including full coverage and analysis of such current or ongoing issues as same-sex marriage/civil union and the Major entries provide in-depth information and consider the intellectual and cultural implications of their subjects in a global context. An enormous range of ideologies and points of view are represented. The international contributors come from a wide array of backgrounds: scholars, journalists, artists, doctors, scientists, lawyers, activists. The scope of the work is extremely comprehensive, with entries falling into the broad categories of Dance, Education, Film, Health, Homophobia, the Internet, Literature, Music, Performance, and Politics. The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Queer Culture covers gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer (GLBTQ) life and culture post-1945, with a strong international approach to the subject.

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Routledge international encyclopedia of queer culture Routledge International Encyclopedia of Queer CultureĪppendix A: Archives of Glbt Research Materials (international)Īppendix C: International Political and Community Organizations

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